Thursday, 7 April 2011

an annual show

hi kingfishers!

Since now we're now totally engrossed in our respective tasks and responsibilities in our AS comms, I find it necessary and pretty suitable to just express my feelings and thoughts, hopefully for the benefit of the majority who frequents this blog (i.e. non-existent circle of people).

So before I start of, let's ask ourselves, what is AS to me? Perhaps the two words Annual Show may not perceive to you as significant or you think it's just a compulsory event to be part of, and you have to force yourself to come down and slack, that's actually besides the point. Annual Show is probably much much more than that.

I may not be your most reliable source, but trust me, the experience and process that you gain and embody by the end of the grueling one month or so is worth it. Consolation of every drop of sweat, tear or blood that you have shed during that period, the sacrifices you've made will strike you deep.

Yeah yeah whatever cliche, you may think, but having went through 2 AS' before this, trust me it will totally be a rewarding and irreplaceable experience.

Back in 2009, when I was a sec 1. I was part of the dance team (much different that it is now). Not really the sick funk dance with complicated twists and moves, but basically we had to dramatise campfire songs and dance to it. Might seem easy, but choreographing our own dance and coming up with our own props (if i'm not wrong, we didn't have the props comm to do that for us) was painstakingly saikang.

I remembered having stay up to the 7-ish and spending a good 20 mins in the toilet and washing paint off my hands after painting props. I remembered the criticisms we had for our dance routine because it was kind of boring. But we pulled it off. Performed pretty well at Sarimbun, and the feeling you get after you performed and receiving an awesome response from the crowd was indescribable.

Even though I agree, standards have to be there and the end product must always be in your mind, but after you pull off a good one, you realise the experience and the process really was worth it. The never-ending sessions of working hard paid off. Even though you know that the event was only a mere 3 hours, the memory of the scouts and guides at the campfire lasts a lifetime. And so do yours. It's all about your mindset and attitude, all that I can say.

So AS is next week! (: I assume everyone is pumped up (hurhurhur) about it and let's make the last few acts meaningful by working extra extra hard and showing other scouts that we are 01 for a reason. End in mind.

All the best KF!


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