hello kingfisher!
It's been quite long since I've updated this blog. Seems pretty quiet here, hmm.
Anyway, Term 3 is here! It has been 3 weeks into the term and we've gone through an array of fairly interesting activities (yes, test-taking is interesting!). There are plenty of more fun and bonding activities coming up soon throughout the term, and in term 4! (muahahaha)
Plogs for Term 2 were relatively better than in term 1, so thank you for cooperating with me, even though I still believe we could have done better in terms of punctuality in the submission of plogs as well as the quality (word count, etc.). Nonetheless, all of your plogs are interesting to read and quite enjoyable!
In case you guys have not realised, donation draw booklets (and AVSW pledge cards for some of you) have been given out. Try your best to sell as many booklets! Every ticket or pledge counts, as you will be making a difference to the scout HQ fund (and the movement to help autistic children from Pathlight). Keep sellin' em and don't give up!
Also, considering that it is already term 3, my term as KF's PL will be coming to an end soon. Not so soon, but very soon. With Term 4 packed with GTC and EoYs, we will have only this term to be together as a patrol and enjoy each other's company. Fear not, there are many activities that we can surely bond as a patrol and treasure your last moments with me as your PL.
A new adventure awaits all of you in Term 4 and 2012. As for now, we shall stay strong and united as KF 2011 with our mighty wings and intelligent minds.
alis animi! (:
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