Tuesday, 23 August 2011

an end

Hi kingfisher!

Term 3 is coming to an end soon... :( Activities will cease soon as EOYs are looming closer and there will be a really long break for you guys to prepare hard and ace your exams, before continuing with the adrenaline-pumping and exciting GTC preps.

Fret not, there's still two major activities for us to bond together as a patrol, which is patrol orienteering (next Monday) as well as Night Hike!

Patrol orienteering details and consent form will be given out soon. It will fun, trust me. Other than getting to challenge your scouting skills, we'll have a great time venturing the streets of Singapore as a patrol. Term 4 will be busy and there will not be any chance for us to spend good times like the other activities, so treasure this moment guys!

Night hike, on the other hand, is also a refreshing experience for hiking. Simply, it is not really the kind of hike where you have to saikang and carry some 15kg bag and navigate like 30km in 3 days kind of thing. It's a group hike and it's at night, so no worries, there won't be any scorching heat. You'll get to spend the time with your patrol/batchmates and at the end point, you get to do batch bonding activities together too. Don't miss the chance!

Anyway, here are the details for night hike:

Date: 3rd-4th September
Reporting time: 6.00pm (we can go for a patrol outing/batch outing before that :D)
Dismissal time: 8.00am
Reporting venue: Boon Keng MRT Station
Dismissal venue: Marina Cove
Attire: PE

2 sets of PE attire
1.5L of Water
Poncho (IMPORTANT) -- last year it rained and we were walking around like mary poppins
Slippers (optional)
Sleeping attire (optional)
Prickly heat -- a scout's best friend

Let's spend our last few weeks of T3 well! :)

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