Sunday, 7 August 2011

six in the city

Hey kingfisher!

Saturday was patrol in town! We were short of people, some people couldn't make it, but we sure had fun going around town doing wacky stuff and tasks!

The end result didn't matter, the experience and fun we had as a patrol was what we will truly remember for a long time. I'm sure you guys had fun trolling saleswomen of French stores, chasing a Japanese woman to bow to, suanning me with your despicable slurpees and so on. Even though our patrol strength was small, our spirit wasn't.


*looks at task sheet* "Patrol must wear shoes belonging to another member for 10 minutes." Someone: WHORE-SHOE!

*walking on the Helix bridge* Martin: OMG SO HOT. Me: Sorry la. Xinkai: Must be cause you're dark.

*exiting MRT at Somerset* Martin: Eh why so hot one? Me: Sorry la, there's no sun here, it's my natural attractiveness and hotness. Martin: Nah, you give off heat more given the darkness.

Apparently, after I put on my mascara, 70% of the patrol couldn't notice the difference.

*enters MBS and sees a huge white circular thingy at the atrium* Martin: Eh is that an ice rink?

I didn't remove my mascara. Later on, I had to ask the receptionist if there's a McDonald's in the building. She stared me intently in the eyes.

*Martin enters a fancy beer shop in MBS to ask for a plastic bag* Turns out they don't have any.

We chased a Japanese couple for like 500m trying to get her to bow to us subconsciously. We failed and we got lost soon after stalking them.


a FOAMy phallus/failus (?) eraser structure


We ultimately thought of Raga in sexy tights.

The shop we trolled in French. We succeeded!

Conical cups. Cups.

RGS... (this photo is a satirical representation -- not to be taken seriously by RGS -- or acquaintances of the people in this photo)

Caucasian woman. (Y)

When Stamford Raffles held the torch in Bras Basah.

Money, money, money.

Poor mannequin trapped from the outside world, with pieces of thread.

The empty atriums of MBS on a Saturday morning.

Jump... shot? Xinkai lag.

Beautiful cityscape and skyline~


And that was Patrol in Town for you guys! :D

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